Monday, June 28, 2010

Life - Part 2 on Baptism

Water is life. The story of God's use of water is a story of creating new life and renewing old life. This story becomes our story when we are baptized. During this two-week series we'll explore what we believe about baptism and all the different ways God uses baptism to bring us new life. Then on June 27th we'll extend our worship service to Valhalla Park to baptize many children, teenagers, and adults. Come be renewed by the waters of life.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Life - Part 1 on Baptism

Water is life. The story of God's use of water is a story of creating new life and renewing old life. This story becomes our story when we are baptized. During this two-week series we'll explore what we believe about baptism and all the different ways God uses baptism to bring us new life. Then on June 27th we'll extend our worship service to Valhalla Park to baptize many children, teenagers, and adults. Come be renewed by the waters of life.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Called Gifted Connected

We are called by God to make a difference in our world, gifted by God's Spirit to accomplish that call, and connected to Christians all around the world who are transforming the world! Bob Hundley, District Superintendent of the Lansing District, will be sharing this week's message and celebrating the God who is at work connecting us all in a world transforming mission.

A Tale of Two Cities

What comes to mind when you think of Detroit? Detroit is a tale of two cities: perception and people. Carl Gladstone, director of Mo-Town Missions will be sharing how God's Spirit is alive and working in the city of Detroit beyond what the perceptions of Detroit, and how that movement of the Spirit is also alive here in our own city, Lansing.